Thursday, June 09, 2011

A cold day today, so I thought I would add some recent pics of the new property. We are a long way off building there, but the horses have taken up residence at least.
The pics are self explanatory. Along with attending to erosion issues with tree planting and grass growing, I have put the tractor to good use and have been massaging the terrain. At least, that's my story....

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Since the catastophic floods in our part of the world, things have slowly got back to normality. We were lucky, no damage and only got stranded for a couple of days, although Chris had to stay for 2 nights at her Uni job.
We had the annual Emu Gully Air & Land Spectacular in May, where the Red Baron once again got shot down for his efforts, as well as our Airpark Breakfast Fly-in.
Chris has bought Charley and ET over to our new property, and they have settled in very well.